Request Google Workspace 30 day trial

Please use this contact form to request a 30 day free trial for your company. We will then set it up for you as quickly as possible and send you the login credentials.

We're happy to help your company get to know Workspace!

Your Company
Please be aware that we feel we currently cannot adequately serve the needs of organizations with less than ten employees.
Contact details
We will use this to send the login credentials, so make sure it works.
Google Workspace Loading...
Your tenant will be created with this domain. Domain ownership will have to be verified.
Your domain should look something like or
If you're already a Google Workspace customer, we can't start a new trial for your company's domain. We can however transfer your tenant to our reseller account if you give us a transfer token. Find out how to generate one here. Our public identifier is C03acw4ve.
You can change this number later. If you're already a Google Workspace customer, don't worry too much about this since we can probably figure it out for you.
Used as a fallback, for Google and us. Must not match the specified domain for the test environment.
This email address must belong to a different domain than the one you want to use for Google Workspace.
Find our explainer with regards to the differences between subscription plans.